Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Bedtime stories with Grandma J. What a great way to end the day.

Happy Birthday

Happy 25th Uncle B.!

More snow

This is Uncle B. climbing the MOUNTAIN of snow...on his birthday...the first day of spring. I dread the month of mud when it all melts.

First Day of Spring

Welcome to the first day of spring in G.P. No, that is not an optical illusion, the snow really is higher than my brother's waist. This has been the LONGEST winter ever! It seems this is the most snow the city has had in over 60 years. To quote my daughter: "I am done with snow"

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

This is my girl...

So the other night we put the kids to bed and as usual A. is playing around before she goes to sleep and about half an hour later she comes into the living room looking like this.....And I should point out a few very important pieces of attire 1. tiger halloween costume, 2. football toque, 3. princess slippers, 4. hidden under the costume is a sparkly "A" necklace, which was the reason she needed to leave her room. She needed Dad to put it on for her. So being the kind of mom that I am I took about 10 pictures of her, she posed in a different way for ALL of them. Such a silly girl.

Cranky Boys

Daddy and C. cuddling at Grandma's house. C. was feeling a bit grouchy. Considering how sick we have all been for the last month and a half I am not really surprised that he has been grouchy. He is at least doing better at night now. Dad does not have to spend a few hours sleeping with C. on the couch. These days C. just toddles into out bedroom dragging his blanet behind him and climbs up to sleep with us. It seems that we just don't have the heart (or energy) to send him back to his own bed. I will admit that there is a part of me that kind of enjoys the late night snuggles. Then there is this other really tired part of me that would really like him to just stay in bed. Who said motherhood would be easy......

Sleepin' with Piglet

A. is crashed out snuggling with Piglet the stuffed named because Auntie K. gave it to her and K. loves Winnie the Pooh...that makes sense right. Ahhh 4 yr olds.