Saturday, December 23, 2006

No trip to Turkey

B came home last night from shopping for the last of his Christmas gifts and we got to talking and it looks like I won't be going to Turkey. No seriously... he actually looked into sending me all the way across the world to go visit my friend. What a guy. I miss you K. Guess we'll have to figure something else out. Maybe we will meet in England when my bro' finally decides to get married. He and his girlfriend are going to be married there cause that is where her family is from. Apparently there is a castle over in her family's town that she wants to be married in... Imagine that, a castle in England!

1 comment:

Imcombobulated said...

Darn!!! But, wow, a family wedding at a castle in England sounds wonderful!!! Will Brent invite me... I mean, I am his ex-fiancee... it might make his new fiancee uncomfortable...
He he he!!!