Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Making up for lost time

It seems that I haven't posted in a very long time. I guess I figured that I needed to make up for lost time. Lots of stuff has been going on but nothing important so I guess that I just kept putting it off. In my defense we have all been very sick. A round of chest infestions for me and B and C and A wound up with a wicked ear infection. And if you know anything about the health care in GP you know that you have to be pretty darn sick to finally go get something checked out. It seems like it is just one thing after another and I gotta say I am getting very frustrated. I am ready to just be healthy. I am sure the kids feel the same way. Good news is that the depression seems to be leveled off...now if I can get the PMS under control I might actually start to feel like a real human being one day!

1 comment:

Imcombobulated said...

You've been tagged. Visit Progress of the Kidlet for more details.